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Waikato After Hours Veterinary Hospital
576 Anglesea Street,

Opening hours

Mon - Thurs: 6pm - 8am
Fri: 9am - Mon: 9am

Weeknight and 24 hr weekend emergency service

Weeknight and 24 hr weekend emergency service

Waikato After Hours Veterinary Hospital
576 Anglesea Street,


Dog Attacks

It is usually a highly emotive event. The owner has just witnessed a snarling dog fight, their dog is in pain and they may have even been injured themselves trying to separate the dogs. There is blood, obvious wounds, shock. These situations are upsetting and very stressful for both the owner and their dog. And the damage can be Has your dog been attacked and you are worried? If you are concerned give us a call: 07 839 5656

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Help My Cat Can’t Pee

If your male cat can’t urinate this is an emergency!   Initially you may notice them straining to urinate, digging lots of holes, painful urination (crying) and trying to urinate in places they wouldn’t normally.  This may mean they have a blockage,  inflammation  in their bladder making it painful to urinate or their urethra might be in spasm.

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My Dog Has Eaten Chocolate

Christmas and Easter are especially busy times for us at the Waikato After Hours Veterinary Hospital (WAVH) as while families are at home or away celebrating with delicious feasts and treats, their pets take every opportunity to indulge in things that they shouldn’t. Often what animals ingest over these festive times can be very dangerous and even life threatening.

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    Our Locations

    Waikato After Hours Veterinary Hospital
    576 Anglesea Street

    Phone: 07 839 5656
    Fax: 07 839 5658

    Bay After Hours Veterinary Hospital  
    1450 Cameron Road,
    Greerton, Tauranga

    Phone: 07 220 9775


    Hours of Operation

    Mon-Thurs: 6pm-8am


    YES! We are open ALL weekend.

    Friday: 9am until Monday 8am
    Public Holidays: 24 hours

    Financing Available

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